  • Small Group Bible Study

Age graded and meets at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday

  •  Soup Kitchen

Serving the Hartsville Area Soup Kitchen once per month

  •  Backpacks

Providing weekend food for children in partnership with McBee Elementary School

  •  Women's Ministry

Meets the first Monday of each month. A powerful ministry devoted to prayer, Bible study, fellowship, and sharing God's love in practical ways.

  •  Men's Minstiry

Meets the first Tuesday of each month. As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Prayer, Bible study, work projects, and   sponsorship of the annual Wild Game Banquet.


Pre-school through sixth grade. Meets at 5:30 p.m. each Sunday beginning August 29, 2010.

  • Youth Ministry

Grades seven through twelve. Meets at 5:30 p.m. each Sunday for snack supper, Bible Study, and games.

  • Family Meal

Meets at 6:30 each Wednesday for dinner and devotion around the table.

  • Family Ministry

Each family in the church has a designated minister assigned for their spiritual, physical, and emotional welfare.

  • Joy Club

Meets monthly for fellowship and encouragement to Senior adults.

  • Deacons

Seven men, mature in their faith, elected by the church to assist the pastor in caring for the body of Christ. 



Jeff Gardner, Senior Pastor

Tony Newell, Worship Leader

Rachel Medlin, Financial Assistant

Keith Allison, Maintenance

James Ross, Technical Services and Website Manager


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